機首下部が別パーツになっていて、エンジン下側のエア ダクト等が見えるようになっている.
塗装はマイクロ スケール デカールの48−0172から384th FS,364th
FGのジョン ローエル大佐機を選んだ。キットはバンダイ・モノグラムである。
I remember when this kit was released the Model Art Magazine had a feature
article with talk style.
Although bottom of the engine cowling molded separately for viewing its
Air duct etc. It couldn't call detachable.
It must be glued or removed. I glued the parts for this model, however
fit was no good.
I choosed Colonel John Lowell from the 384th FSq, 364th FGp in Spring 1945
using Micro Scale Decal 48-0172.
Kit is BANDAI-Monogram.