その頃私は、IPMS U.S.Aのメンバーでもあり、毎日通った模型屋のメンバーで構成する、ハドソン・バレー模型クラブのメンバーでもあった。
I saw the WL kit with wood base first time is in 1983 at a apartment house
of the a modeler who was a neighbor when we lived in the U.S.A.
That time I was member of the IPMS U.S.A and also member of the Hudson
Valley Model Club organized by clients of the hobby shop I went everyday.
We had a monthly meeting at his(single) house and that time he showed it
to me I remember.
I am not sure that was this YUBARI kit or not. It might be 5500t class
Light Cruiser.
This kit is last version and could be early version with some conversion
work with using some armaments.
I don't have a plan to build one more since there was no same class ships currently.
This is a good kit like other TAMIYA kit.